Bạn đang kiểm tra C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Blockchain Basics

Là một phần trong chương trình thạc sĩ của mình, tôi đã tạo bài kiểm tra này với một tập hợp các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm được thiết kế để giúp tôi và các bạn cùng lớp ôn lại kiến thức về module "Blockchain Basics" từ "Course 4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications".
Dưới đây là 9 câu hỏi được chọn ngẫu nhiên từ bài kiểm tra kiến thức C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Blockchain Basics. Là người dùng chưa được xác thực, bạn có quyền truy cập vào một nhóm giới hạn gồm 9 trong số 367 câu hỏi và bạn sẽ không thể xem câu trả lời chính xác cho những câu hỏi đó.
1/367: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Asymmetric Digital Signatures?

  1. Authentication
  2. Faster encryption and decryption times
  3. Non-repudiation
  4. Increased security
2/367: How does a distributed network distribute data across nodes?

  1. Evenly
  2. Based on the availability of resources
  3. Randomly
3/367: What does the Account/Balance model maintain?

  1. The private keys of nodes in the network
  2. The entire balance of nodes in the network
  3. The transaction inputs and outputs of a node
  4. Only the transaction outputs of a node
4/367: What does it indicate if the timestamp of the current block is not greater than the timestamp of the previous block in a blockchain network?

  1. The transaction process is slowed down
  2. The block was created in the correct sequence
  3. The difficulty level of the blockchain needs to be increased
  4. The block is invalid or fraudulent
5/367: What should users consider when choosing a Bitcoin wallet?

  1. All of them
  2. The cost
  3. The level of security
  4. The ease of use
6/367: What happens to the mining reward after every 210,000 blocks?

  1. It stays the same
  2. It decreases
  3. It increases
  4. It fluctuates
7/367: What are the steps required to arrive at the Merkle root of "n" number of elements?

  1. Step 1: Compute the individual hashes of each element.
  2. Step 2: Form strings by concatenating each pair of consequent hashes.
  3. Step 3: Compute the individual hashes of the obtained strings.
  4. Both of them. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until only one hash is obtained.
8/367: What is the benefit of using cryptocurrency networks?

  1. Transactions are slower than traditional banking transactions
  2. Transactions are more expensive than traditional banking transactions
  3. Transactions can be processed without the need for a central organization, such as a bank
  4. Transactions can only be processed by banks
9/367: What is the benefit of using an SPV node in the Bitcoin blockchain network?

  1. It allows users to store the entire blockchain on their devices.
  2. It allows users to access and verify transactions with limited storage and bandwidth.
  3. It allows users to create new blocks in the network.
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