Bạn đang kiểm tra C6 Building a distributed application on Hyperledger Fabric >> Hyperledger Fabric: Architecture

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Dưới đây là 9 câu hỏi được chọn ngẫu nhiên từ bài kiểm tra kiến thức C6 Building a distributed application on Hyperledger Fabric >> Hyperledger Fabric: Architecture. Là người dùng chưa được xác thực, bạn có quyền truy cập vào một nhóm giới hạn gồm 9 trong số 170 câu hỏi và bạn sẽ không thể xem câu trả lời chính xác cho những câu hỏi đó.
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1/170: What does "ordering transactions" refer to in blockchain and distributed ledger technology?

  1. The process of assigning a unique ID to each transaction.
  2. The process of adding transactions to the cart.
  3. The process of sorting transactions in ascending order.
  4. The process of arranging transactions in a specific sequence.
2/170: How is the current state of an asset represented in the world state?

  1. As a binary code
  2. As a hash value
  3. As a key-value pair
  4. None of the above
3/170: In a centralized ordering service, who is responsible for ordering the blocks?

  1. None of the nodes in the network
  2. A single node
  3. All of the nodes in the network
  4. A group of nodes
4/170: Which segment of the blockchain network explains the ordering service in detail?

  1. Introduction
  2. Peer-to-Peer Communication
  3. Mining
  4. None of them
5/170: What is an endorsement policy?

  1. The process of adding new nodes to a blockchain network
  2. The process of validating transactions in a blockchain network
  3. The criteria for a transaction to be valid
  4. The process of encrypting data in a blockchain network
6/170: What is the purpose of the world state in Hyperledger Fabric?

  1. To store the current state of the assets in the network
  2. To facilitate communication between nodes in the network
  3. None of the above
  4. To store the history of all transactions in the network
7/170: What is the difference between an asset and a transaction on a ledger?

  1. An asset is stored permanently, while a transaction is temporary
  2. An asset is immutable, while a transaction can be reversed
  3. All of the above
  4. An asset represents data, while a transaction represents an action
8/170: How are assets stored in Hyperledger Fabric?

  1. In a file system
  2. In a database
  3. In a single key-value pair
  4. In a collection of key-value pairs
9/170: What are the requirements for a peer to be an endorser?

  1. There must be a chaincode installed on the peer.
  2. The peer must have the necessary permissions.
  3. The peer must be part of the network.
  4. All of them.
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