Bạn đang kiểm tra C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Ethereum Fundamentals

Là một phần trong chương trình thạc sĩ của mình, tôi đã tạo bài kiểm tra này với một tập hợp các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm được thiết kế để giúp tôi và các bạn cùng lớp ôn lại kiến thức về module "Ethereum Fundamentals" từ "Course 4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications".
Dưới đây là 9 câu hỏi được chọn ngẫu nhiên từ bài kiểm tra kiến thức C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Ethereum Fundamentals. Là người dùng chưa được xác thực, bạn có quyền truy cập vào một nhóm giới hạn gồm 9 trong số 412 câu hỏi và bạn sẽ không thể xem câu trả lời chính xác cho những câu hỏi đó.
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1/412: What is the transaction cost of the Ethereum network called?

  1. Ether fee
  2. Blockchain fee
  3. Gas fee
  4. Crypto fee
2/412: How does LevelDB compare to traditional relational databases like MySQL?

  1. LevelDB is generally faster and more scalable for certain types of applications
  2. LevelDB is not optimized for high read and write throughput
  3. MySQL is generally faster and more scalable for certain types of applications
  4. MySQL provides efficient compression of data
3/412: What information is contained in the self-destruct set of the substate?

  1. None of the above
  2. Accounts that will be discarded after the transaction completes
  3. Accounts that will be refunded after the transaction completes
  4. Accounts that will be created after the transaction completes
4/412: Which root is used to verify the integrity of the account balances and storage values for Ethereum accounts?

  1. State root
  2. None of the above
  3. Receipts root
  4. Transaction root
5/412: Which messaging protocol is used by Ethereum to communicate between nodes?

  2. FTP
  3. TCP/IP
  4. HTTP
6/412: What is the Gas Limit for a transaction in the Ethereum network?

  1. The maximum amount of Ethers required to execute a transaction
  2. The maximum amount of Gas required to execute a transaction
  3. The maximum amount of transactions that can be executed in a block
  4. The maximum amount of Wei required to execute a transaction
7/412: Why is a consensus algorithm important for a Blockchain?

  1. It enables nodes in the network to communicate with each other
  2. It ensures that the Blockchain is secure and tamper-proof
  3. It ensures that all transactions are encrypted
  4. It allows for faster transaction processing
8/412: Can an ommer block ever become part of the main chain in a blockchain?

  1. Only if it is first verified by a third-party validator
  2. Yes, if it is mined again and included in a subsequent block
  3. It depends on the consensus algorithm used by the blockchain
  4. No, ommers are always excluded from the main chain
9/412: Can a CA send messages to other accounts in Ethereum?

  1. None of the above
  2. It depends on the type of contract
  3. No
  4. Yes
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