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C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Blockchain Basics

As part of my master's program, I have created this quiz with a collection of multiple-choice questions that are designed to help me and my classmates review our knowledge of the "Blockchain Basics" module from "Course 4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications".
Shown below are 9 randomly selected questions from the C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Blockchain Basics knowledge test. As an unauthenticated user, you have access to a limited set of 9 questions out of 367, and you won't be able to view the correct answers for them.
If you would like to take the test and view the answers, please CLICK HERE to log in.
1/367: What is the size of the output hash for the SHA-256 algorithm?

  1. 32 bytes
  2. 64 bytes
  3. 16 bytes
2/367: In a decentralized database, who makes the overall decision? a) b) c) d)

  1. The user
  2. A single node
  3. Every node in the system
  4. The database administrator
3/367: Will every block in a blockchain have the same number of transactions?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. It depends on the type of blockchain
4/367: Why is it unlikely for a node to be malicious if it has the maximum stake in the network?

  1. Because it has nothing to gain from being malicious
  2. Because it is not possible to have the maximum stake in the network
  3. None of the above
  4. Because it is easy to identify malicious nodes
5/367: In the proof of work mechanism, how is consensus achieved?

  1. By using a random selection process
  2. By using a centralized authority
  3. By using a voting system
  4. By using an algorithm
6/367: What is the relationship between mining and adding new blocks to the blockchain?

  1. Miners only add blocks to the blockchain after they have been validated by other miners
  2. Miners have no role in adding new blocks to the blockchain
  3. Miners validate transactions and add them to the blockchain
  4. Miners create new blocks and add them to the blockchain
7/367: What is the advantage of Asymmetric Cryptography over Symmetric Cryptography?

  1. It is faster and more efficient
  2. It is easier to implement
  3. It is more secure because the encryption key is not shared
  4. It does not require any encryption keys
8/367: What does the UTXO model store?

  1. Only the transaction outputs of a node
  2. The transaction inputs and outputs of a node
  3. The entire balance of nodes in the network
  4. The private keys of nodes in the network
9/367: What is an open-source network?

  1. A network that is owned by a single entity
  2. A network that is closed off to the public
  3. A network that is only accessible to a select group of individuals
  4. A network that is accessible and editable by anyone
If you would like to take the test and view the answers, please CLICK HERE to log in.
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