Chisanbop or Finger math - A technique for speedy computations

Learn Chisanbop or Finger Math techniques for speedy calculations! Represent and add/subtract numbers 0-99 using both hands. Improve concentration, mental math skills, and nurture a passion for mathematics. Perfect for visually impaired individuals.
Chisanbop or Finger math - A technique for speedy computations


Chisanbop or Finger math, a Korean finger counting method, allows basic math ops. 0 to 99 can be represented and added, subtracted using both hands. It's useful for visually impaired people and easier than a physical abacus.

Finger math benefits children's learning by promoting balanced development of both brain hemispheres, enhancing concentration, and accelerating mathematical thinking. It requires flexible use of both hands and promotes quick mental math, boosting confidence and nurturing a passion for mathematics.

Table of contents

My article consists of 4 parts:

  • The first section, called "Basic Concepts," will teach you how to use both hands to represent numbers from 0 to 99.
  • In the "RIGHT HAND" section, we will demonstrate addition and subtraction techniques using only the right hand.
  • In the "LEFT HAND" section, we will demonstrate addition and subtraction techniques using only the left hand.
  • Lastly, in the "BOTH HANDS" section, we will show you how to perform addition and subtraction using both hands simultaneously.

Basic concepts

Right hand fingers assigned values, except thumb. Index finger = "one", index + middle = "two", three fingers = "three", and four fingers = "four". Thumb = "five". Combine thumb and index finger for "six". 

Left hand represents tens digit, each finger = "ten", left thumb = "fifty". Both hands used to represent 0 to 99.

Here are 99 numbers produced by utilizing two hands

Right hand

The "right hand" section includes 3 exercises.
Exercise 1 focuses on mastering addition and subtraction within the range of 1, 2, 3, and 4. By following the hand images, you can become familiar with the calculation.

Exercise 2 aims to improve addition and subtraction skills within the range of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I've included a website for each exercise that you can use to practice.

Additionally, there are some patterns, such as:

  • +4 = +5 -1
  • +3 = +5 -2
  • +2 = +5 -3
  • +1 = +5 -4
  • -4 = -5 +1
  • -3 = -5 +2
  • -2 = -5 +3
  • -1 = -5 +4

Exercise 3 is more challenging than the previous two and aims to improve addition and subtraction skills within the range of 1 to 9.

Left hand

In the "left hand" section, there are also three exercises that follow the same approach as the "right hand" section, except that we use the left hand instead.

Both hands

The most challenging section is the "both hands" section, where we perform addition and subtraction using both hands simultaneously.

In this practice session, our main objective is to excel in addition and subtraction within the range 1 to 99. The practice of Finger math necessitates the adaptable utilization of both hands, and it can contribute to the advancement of children's learning by encouraging a well-rounded development of both hemispheres of the brain and improving their ability to concentrate.

  • +9 = +10 –1
  • +8 = +10 –2
  • +7 = +10 –3
  • +6 = +10 –4
  • +5 = +10 –5
  • +4 = +10 –6
  • +3 = +10 –7
  • +2 = +10 –8
  • +1 = +10 –9
  • -9 = -10 +1
  • -8 = -10 +2
  • -7 = -10 +3
  • -6 = -10 +4
  • -5 = -10 +5
  • -4 = -10 +6
  • -3 = -10 +7
  • -2 = -10 +8
  • -1 = -10 +9