You're testing C6 Building a distributed application on Hyperledger Fabric >> Hyperledger Fabric: Architecture

As part of my master's program, I have created this quiz with a collection of multiple-choice questions that are designed to help me and my classmates review our knowledge of the "Hyperledger Fabric: Architecture" module from "Course 6 Building a distributed application on Hyperledger Fabric".
Shown below are 9 randomly selected questions from the C6 Building a distributed application on Hyperledger Fabric >> Hyperledger Fabric: Architecture knowledge test. As an unauthenticated user, you have access to a limited set of 9 questions out of 170, and you won't be able to view the correct answers for them.
1/170: What rules are defined by a Membership Service Provider to validate identities?

  1. Transaction processing rules
  2. Encryption rules
  3. Authentication rules
  4. Network routing rules
2/170: Can assets on a ledger be edited or deleted?

  1. No, they are immutable once stored
  2. It depends on the type of asset
  3. Yes, with permission from the network
  4. Yes, by anyone with access to the ledger
3/170: What are the two main types of ledgers?

  1. Public ledgers and private ledgers.
  2. All of the above.
  3. Permissioned ledgers and permissionless ledgers.
  4. Distributed ledgers and centralized ledgers.
4/170: Which component of the Hyperledger Fabric network is responsible for validating transactions?

  1. Ordering service
  2. Membership Service Provider (MSP)
  3. Peers
  4. Chaincode
5/170: What is Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)?

  1. A way to prevent Byzantine faults in a distributed system.
  2. A consensus algorithm that allows a distributed system to continue operating even if some of the nodes in the system are Byzantine faulty.
  3. A way to detect Byzantine faults in a distributed system.
  4. None of the above
6/170: What does "ordering transactions" refer to in blockchain and distributed ledger technology?

  1. The process of adding transactions to the cart.
  2. The process of sorting transactions in ascending order.
  3. The process of assigning a unique ID to each transaction.
  4. The process of arranging transactions in a specific sequence.
7/170: What is the advantage of PBFT over other consensus algorithms?

  1. It achieves faster consensus among nodes
  2. It is better suited for public blockchain networks
  3. It maintains a consistent state of the system even in the presence of faulty nodes
  4. It is simpler and easier to implement
8/170: What is the purpose of an asset ID in Hyperledger Fabric?

  1. To uniquely identify the asset on the ledger
  2. To manage the asset permissions
  3. To store the asset metadata
  4. To encrypt the asset data
9/170: Which component of the Hyperledger Fabric network is responsible for updating the state of an asset?

  1. Membership Service Providers
  2. Orderers
  3. Peers
  4. Clients
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