You're testing C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Fundamentals of Node.js

As part of my master's program, I have created this quiz with a collection of multiple-choice questions that are designed to help me and my classmates review our knowledge of the "Fundamentals of Node.js" module from "Course 4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications".
Shown below are 9 randomly selected questions from the C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Fundamentals of Node.js knowledge test. As an unauthenticated user, you have access to a limited set of 9 questions out of 198, and you won't be able to view the correct answers for them.
1/198: What is NPM?

  1. A node.js package manager used to find and install packages
  2. A built-in module in Node.js for creating packages
  3. A package.json file generator
2/198: Can you modify or remove a core module in Node.js?

  1. Yes, by uninstalling the module via NPM
  2. No, core modules are part of Node.js and cannot be modified or removed
  3. Yes, by modifying the module code directly
3/198: Can __dirname be used to navigate to other directories?

  1. Yes
  2. No
4/198: Why is it not recommended to use require('./mymodule') without specifying the file extension in NodeJS?

  1. It's not supported in NodeJS
  2. It causes a syntax error
  3. It's slower and may cause unexpected behavior
  4. It doesn't allow for the correct import of the module
5/198: Can JavaScript Object Literals have comments?

  1. Yes
  2. No
6/198: What types of data are stored in memory heap?

  1. Variables and functions
  2. Conditional statements and loops
  3. User input and output
  4. Libraries and modules
7/198: Where can you find packages in Node.js?

  1. In NPM, one of the largest repositories containing various packages and modules
  2. In the package-lock.json file
  3. In the Node.js core modules
8/198: What kind of I/O model does Node.js use?

  1. Synchronous non-blocking I/O
  2. Event-driven non-blocking I/O
  3. Event-driven blocking I/O
  4. Synchronous blocking I/O
9/198: What should you do if you see the error message "'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"?

  1. Check the version of Node.js installed on the computer.
  2. Restart the computer and try again.
  3. Ignore the error message and proceed with the next step.
  4. Install Node.js on the computer.
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