You're testing C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Blockchain Basics

As part of my master's program, I have created this quiz with a collection of multiple-choice questions that are designed to help me and my classmates review our knowledge of the "Blockchain Basics" module from "Course 4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications".
Shown below are 9 randomly selected questions from the C4 Blockchain: Basics and Applications >> Blockchain Basics knowledge test. As an unauthenticated user, you have access to a limited set of 9 questions out of 367, and you won't be able to view the correct answers for them.
1/367: What is a transaction pool in the context of blockchain mining?

  1. A pool of transactions waiting to be validated
  2. A pool of miners waiting to create new blocks
  3. A pool of users waiting to receive their cryptocurrency rewards
  4. A pool of blockchain validators
2/367: Why are distributed networks typically faster than decentralized networks?

  1. Because they have multiple copies of data spread across multiple nodes
  2. None of the above
  3. Because they have fewer nodes
  4. Because they have a single point of decision-making
3/367: What is a P2P network?

  1. A network where all devices act as servers only
  2. A network where all devices act as clients only
  3. A network where all devices act as both clients and servers
4/367: Can the timestamp in a block be used to change the order of blocks in a blockchain?

  1. Yes, the timestamp can be changed to alter the order of blocks
  2. Only if the blocks have the same hash value
  3. Only if the blockchain is small
  4. No, the timestamp has no effect on the order of blocks
5/367: How many Bitcoins were created and paid to the miner for every block initially?

  1. 100 Bitcoins
  2. 200 Bitcoins
  3. 50 Bitcoins
  4. 25 Bitcoins
6/367: What is the goal of record-keeping?

  1. To keep a record of only select activities.
  2. To keep a reliable and accurate record of all activities to facilitate analysis, decision-making, and auditing.
  3. To keep a unreliable and inaccurate record of activities.
7/367: How does the UTXO model work when making a transaction?

  1. The sender sends the private key of the desired amount to the recipient
  2. The sender spends one or more UTXOs to transfer the desired amount
  3. The network transfers the desired amount from the sender's account
  4. The desired amount is transferred from the sender's account
8/367: How does Hash Cash help prevent denial-of-service attacks?

  1. By redirecting traffic to a different server
  2. By blocking all incoming traffic
  3. By requiring the sender to perform a computation
9/367: What happens if a single node fails in a distributed system?

  1. Network operates at a reduced level
  2. Network continues to operate normally
  3. Network collapses entirely
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