Learn to code - Operating system

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

You can use macOS, Windows, Linux, Cloud-based laptops (e.g. Chrome OS), or whatever you think is suitable. Personally, I choose the operating systems in the Debian-based (Ubuntu and its official distributions or Linux Mint Debian Edition/ Linux Mint). Operating systems in the Debian-based can install software with APT (Advanced Package Tool) command, have the configuration, and more things in the same way (Ubuntu is also supported by Canonical Ltd.)

Common operating systems:
Linux distributions need a desktop environment to provide the usual GUI and native applications. This is where you’ll find the graphical user interface to work with programs – it can be used for any size or type of device. There are so many great features to point out with Linux, but the one I like best is how there are so many different desktop environments to choose from. And just like how there’s an abundance of choices with Linux distros, you also have different options for your desktop environment.
Desktop Environments for Linux:KDE PlasmaGNOMEMATEXfceDeepinLXQtBudgieCinnamonand more...
When working with UNIX you need a mapping of some hostnames to IP addresses before DNS can be referenced (update /etc/hosts) or work with *.sh (Bash Shell Script).
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