Web Caching in Popular Frameworks: Speeding Up Your Website

Speed up your website with web caching! This blog post explores how web caching works in popular frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django, ASP.NET, and Express.js. Learn how to configure caching, switch between solutions, and manage cache expiration for optimal website performance.
Web Caching in Popular Frameworks: Speeding Up Your Website

Have you ever wondered how some websites load so quickly, even when lots of people are using them at the same time? One of the secrets is something called "web caching." Today, we'll explore how web caching works in some popular web development frameworks.
What is Web Caching?
Read our previous article at https://vulehuan.com/en/blog/2024/6/web-caching-speeding-up-your-website-6670ea05e71a6f1c6fb37613.html

Popular Frameworks and Their Caching Solutions

Ruby on Rails
Rails, a framework for building websites using the Ruby programming language, has built-in caching features. It can cache entire web pages, parts of pages, or even specific database queries.

Laravel (PHP)
Laravel, a framework for PHP, offers various caching options out of the box. It supports file-based caching, database caching, and can work with memory-based caching systems too.

Django (Python)
Django is a popular Python framework that provides a flexible caching system. It allows developers to cache their entire site, specific views, or template fragments.

Microsoft's ASP.NET framework includes caching features that can dramatically improve the performance of web applications. It supports both in-memory caching and distributed caching.

Express.js (JavaScript)
While Express.js doesn't come with built-in caching, it's easy to add caching to an Express application using middleware like node-cache or memory-cache.

Managing Cache in Configuration Files

Most frameworks allow you to set up caching options in a configuration file.
For example, in a Laravel configuration file, you might see something like this:

'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),
'stores' => [
    'file' => [
        'driver' => 'file',
        'path' => storage_path('framework/cache/data'),
    'redis' => [
        'driver' => 'redis',
        'connection' => 'cache',

This tells Laravel to use file-based caching by default, but also sets up Redis as another option.

Switching Between Caching Solutions

One of the cool things about modern frameworks is how easy they make it to switch between different caching solutions.
For instance, you might start with file-based caching because it's simple to set up. But as your website grows, you might want to switch to a memory-based cache like Redis for even faster performance. In many frameworks, you can make this switch by changing just one line in your configuration file! The framework takes care of all the complex stuff behind the scenes.

Examples for getting, writing, and expiring cache

Laravel Example:

// Getting a value from cache
$value = Cache::get('key');

// Writing a value to cache (expires in 60 minutes)
Cache::put('key', 'value', 60);

// Checking if a key exists in cache
if (Cache::has('key')) {
    // Do something

// Removing a value from cache

// Store a value forever
Cache::forever('key', 'value');

// Retrieve and store (if not present)
$value = Cache::remember('key', 60, function() {
    return 'default value';

Rails Example:

# Getting a value from cache
value = Rails.cache.read('key')

# Writing a value to cache (expires in 1 hour)
Rails.cache.write('key', 'value', expires_in: 1.hour)

# Checking if a key exists in cache
if Rails.cache.exist?('key')
  # Do something

# Removing a value from cache

# Retrieve and store (if not present)
value = Rails.cache.fetch('key', expires_in: 1.hour) do
  'default value'

Applying to Other Frameworks

While the syntax may differ, most frameworks follow similar patterns for caching operations. Here's a general approach you can apply to other frameworks:

  • Getting a value: Look for methods like get, read, or fetch.
  • Writing a value: Look for methods like set, write, or put.
  • Checking if a key exists: Look for methods like has, exists, or contain.
  • Removing a value: Look for methods like delete, remove, or forget.
  • Setting expiration: This is often an optional parameter when writing to cache.
  • Fetch and compute if not present: Many frameworks have a method that combines getting and setting if the key doesn't exist.

When working with a new framework, consult its documentation for the specific caching methods and best practices. The core concepts (get, set, delete, expire) remain consistent across most frameworks, even if the exact method names or parameters differ.