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Storage Capacity

  • NoSQL databases typically handle larger volumes of data (Eg Amazon DynamoDB manages petabytes of data)
  • NoSQL designed for distributed storage and horizontal scaling (visit for more information)
  • RDBMS can handle large datasets but may require vertical scaling (Eg Oracle can handle terabytes with proper hardware)

NoSQL Disadvantages

  • Lack of standardization: Different syntax across databases (Eg CouchDB uses JavaScript, MongoDB uses JSON-like queries)
  • Limited query capabilities: Complex queries often difficult (Eg Joining data in MongoDB requires manual coding)
  • Eventual consistency: May return stale data in distributed systems (Eg Cassandra might show outdated inventory count temporarily)
  • Less mature: Fewer tools, resources compared to RDBMS (Eg Limited reporting tools for Couchbase vs SQL Server)
  • Data redundancy: Denormalization leads to duplicate data (Eg Customer info repeated across orders in MongoDB)

RDBMS Disadvantages

  • Scalability issues: Vertical scaling can be expensive (Eg Oracle DB requiring costly hardware upgrades for large datasets)
  • Rigid schema: Schema changes can be complex and time-consuming (Eg Adding a new column to a large MySQL table with millions of rows)
  • Performance bottlenecks: Complex queries can slow down system (Eg Multiple JOINs in PostgreSQL impacting query response time)
  • Limited support for unstructured data: Not ideal for varied data types (Eg Storing JSON or XML in SQL Server requires additional processing)
  • Sharding complexity: Horizontal scaling often requires manual effort (Eg Manually sharding a large MySQL database across multiple servers)

For Startups

Depends on specific needs and use case.
NoSQL often preferred for:

  • Rapid development (Eg MongoDB for quick iterations in a social media app)
  • Scalability (Eg Cassandra for a growing e-commerce platform)
  • Handling diverse data types (Eg Couchbase for a multi-media content management system)

RDBMS better for:

  • Complex transactions (Eg PostgreSQL for a financial trading platform)
  • Structured data (Eg MySQL for a customer relationship management system)
  • Regulatory compliance (Eg Oracle for a healthcare records system)


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