Shrinking Your CSS with PurgeCSS: A Beginner's Guide

Slow website? Large CSS files might be the culprit! PurgeCSS is a handy tool that cleans up your CSS by removing unused styles, making your website load faster. Learn how PurgeCSS works, and see examples for different templating languages like Blade and ERB.
Shrinking Your CSS with PurgeCSS: A Beginner's Guide

Have you ever wondered why your website loads slow sometimes? One reason could be large CSS files from libraries like Bootstrap. Today we’ll learn about a cool tool called PurgeCSS that can help speed up your website by removing unused CSS!

What is PurgeCSS?

PurgeCSS is like a vacuum cleaner for your CSS. It scans your HTML and JavaScript files, checks which CSS rules you’ll actually use, and eliminates the ones you don’t need. This can make your CSS file much smaller, which helps your website load faster.

PurgeCSS works by analyzing your content files (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) and your CSS files, then removing unused CSS rules. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  • Content Parsing: PurgeCSS scans your content files (like HTML and JavaScript) and extracts all the class names, IDs, and element names used.
  • CSS Parsing: It then parses your CSS files and creates a list of all the selectors present.
  • Comparison: PurgeCSS compares the list of used selectors from your content files against all the selectors in your CSS.
  • Removal: Any CSS rules with selectors that don't appear in your content files are removed.
  • Preservation: Rules that match selectors found in your content are kept.
  • Output: PurgeCSS generates a new CSS file containing only the necessary styles.


If you have this CSS:

.btn { color: blue; }
.card { border: 1px solid gray; }
.unused-class { font-size: 20px; }

And this HTML:

<button class="btn">Click me</button>

PurgeCSS would output:

.btn { color: blue; }

The .card and .unused-class styles are removed because they're not used in the HTML.
This process can significantly reduce file size, especially when using large CSS frameworks where you often only use a small portion of the available styles.

PurgeCSS using npx in Ubuntu

To run PurgeCSS, we use the npx command. npx comes with Node.js, which must be pre-installed on your Ubuntu computer.

Before using PurgeCSS, you need to install it in your project. You can do this using either yarn or npm, which are popular package managers for JavaScript. Here are the commands to install PurgeCSS as a development dependency:

Using yarn:

$ yarn add purgecss --dev

Or if you prefer npm:

$ npm i -D purgecss

Here is a simple example of how to use PurgeCSS.

  • Open your terminal in Ubuntu.
  • Navigate to your project folder.
  • Run PurgeCSS with this command:

$ npx purgecss --css bootstrap.css --content index.html --output style.min.css

This tells PurgeCSS to:

  • Look at your CSS file (bootstrap.css)
  • Check which styles are used in your HTML file (index.html)
  • Create a new, smaller CSS file (style.min.css)

You'll see that style.min.css is much smaller than bootstrap.css!

Customizing Content Paths for PurgeCSS

When using PurgeCSS, you can specify which files it should analyze to determine which CSS is being used. The --content parameter is flexible and can be adapted to different project structures and file types.

For Laravel Blade templates:
--content './resources/**/*.php'
This tells PurgeCSS to look at all PHP files (which include Blade templates) in the resources directory and its subdirectories.

For Ruby on Rails ERB templates:
--content './app/views/**/*.html.erb'
This instructs PurgeCSS to examine all ERB files in the views directory and its subdirectories.

You can also specify multiple content locations in a single command. For example:
$ npx purgecss --css bootstrap.css --content './index.html' './js/**/*.js' './components/**/*.vue' --output styles.min.css

This command tells PurgeCSS to:

  • Check the index.html file in the current directory
  • Look at all JavaScript files in the js directory and its subdirectories
  • Examine all Vue component files in the components directory and its subdirectories

By using multiple --content parameters, you can ensure PurgeCSS analyzes all relevant files in your project, regardless of where they're located or what type they are.