Saint Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh (1813 - 1839) - Vietnamese Martyr Saint

Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh was born in 1813 in Bo Trang village, Thai Binh province (now belonging to Bai Dong parish, Bo Ngoc region, Thai Binh Diocese). He was beatified on May 27, 1900 and later canonized on June 19, 1988.
Saint Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh (1813 - 1839) - Vietnamese Martyr Saint

Here is the English translation:

Saint Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh was born in 1813 in Bo Trang village, Thai Binh province (now belonging to Bai Dong parish, Bo Ngoc region, Thai Binh Diocese). Due to his family's poverty, he had to leave his homeland to work as a hired laborer in Ke Mot, Bac Ninh province. Here, he was loved by the local residents for his simple, honest, cheerful and sincere character. When arrested on June 29, 1839, he was still unmarried and unbaptized, although he regularly attended catechism classes to learn about the Lord's teachings.

On June 29, 1839, when the authorities surrounded and arrested Father Peter Tu and forced everyone to trample on the Cross, this young unbaptized man courageously declared: "I would rather die than ever trample on the Cross, for I know the religion of Jesus Christ is the true religion." The authorities, considering him a Catholic, arrested him and took him to Bac Ninh, imprisoning him with Father Tu and many other believers. It was here that he was baptized by Father Tu and became a Christian. When choosing Saint Stephen as his patron, he resolved to follow the example of sacrifice of the first martyr of the Church.

According to the sentence sent from the capital, King Minh Mang decided to behead Father Tu and Mr. Canh; and to imprison teachers Mau, Uy and the three Messrs Moi, De, Vinh, meaning they would be tried after a year. These five encouraged each other to profess their faith, wrote to join the Dominican Order and made vows right in prison. Under the guidance of Teacher Mau, the five introduced the Catholic faith to their fellow prisoners and baptized 44 people.

On August 19, 1839, the authorities summoned them all to the court, with the Cross placed on one side and torture instruments on the other. The authorities asked if they would renounce their faith to be spared, but they resolutely refused. Afterwards, all five knelt in prayer and commended their souls to the Lord. Disappointed, the authorities ordered them back to prison, judging that they could not be pardoned.

On December 19, 1839, before sentencing, the authorities gave the five a final chance to renounce their faith, but all refused. Then, at the Jury Court, each was tied to a stake and subjected to the punishment of whipping. The remains of Mr. Nguyen Van Vinh were later taken for burial at the Huong La parish church in Tu Ne, Bac Ninh Diocese. To this day, his relics are still preserved there.

On May 27, 1900, Mr. Nguyen Van Vinh was beatified, and later canonized on June 19, 1988.