Saint Laurenso Pham Viet Ngon was born in 1840 into a virtuous family in the parish of Luc Thuy, Diocese of Trung (now belonging to the parish of Lien Thuong, Diocese of Bui Chu).
At the age of 22, he got married and lived an exemplary life of virtue, loving his wife and children wholeheartedly. Due to his strong attachment to his family, during the first time he was arrested and forced to renounce his faith, he bribed the authorities with money to be released.
In the context of severe religious persecution, he was arrested a second time on September 8, 1861 and taken to the An Xa camp in Dong Quan district. In prison, he was very worried about his family. He tried to escape to visit his wife and children and advised his elderly mother and wife and children to remain steadfast in their faith and entrust themselves to God.
At the court, the judge tried to persuade him to abandon his faith so that he could be released and reunited with his family, but he resolutely refused, affirming his absolute loyalty to the Catholic faith. His unwavering defense of his faith infuriated the authorities even more, leading them to condemn him to death by beheading.
On May 22, 1862, Pham Viet Ngon was martyred at the An Triem execution ground in Dong Quan district, in the presence of his elderly mother and beloved wife.
He was beatified on April 29, 1951 and canonized on June 19, 1988.