Nâng cao vốn tiếng Anh của bạn với cổ ngữ: Khai phá tiềm năng từ vựng

Khai phá tiềm năng vốn từ vựng của bạn và nâng trình độ tiếng Anh của bạn lên một tầm cao mới với hướng dẫn sử dụng ngôn ngữ cổ của tôi! Tìm hiểu cách dễ dàng hiểu những từ mà bạn chưa từng gặp trước đây bằng cách xác định nguồn gốc tiếng Hy Lạp hoặc tiếng Latinh của chúng. Với các mẹo của tôi, bạn sẽ có thể phân tích các từ phức tạp và hiểu rộng hơn về ý nghĩa của chúng. Nâng cao kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của bạn và khám phá một thế giới hiểu biết hoàn toàn mới với hướng dẫn của tôi. Hãy bắt đầu hành trình chinh phục tiếng Anh của bạn ngay hôm nay!
  1. ambi- both (cả hai)
    • ambiguous- mơ hồ : having or expressing more than one possible meaning
    • ambidextrous- thuận cả hai bên : able to use both hands equally well
  2. aqua- water (nước)
    • aquarium- bể nuôi cá : a tank, usually with glass sides, or a pool, bowl, etc. for keeping live water animals and water plants
    • aquamarine- ngọc xanh biển : a transparent, pale bluish-green variety of beryl, used in jewelry
  3. aud- to hear (nghe ngóng)
    • audience- thính giả : the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking, etc.
    • audition- thử vai : to give, watch, or listen to a short performance that tests whether a performer’s skills are suitable for a particular event or group
  4. bene- good (tốt)
    • benefactor- ân nhân : someone who gives money to help an organization, society, or person
    • benefit- lợi ích : a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help
  5. cent- one hundred (một trăm)
    • century- thế kỷ : a period of 100 years
    • percent- phần trăm : for or out of every 100, shown by the symbol %
  6. circum- around (xung quanh)
    • circumference- chu vi hình tròn : the line surrounding a circular space, or the length of this line
    • circumscribe- khoanh vùng : if you circumscribe a triangle, square, etc., you draw a circle that surrounds it and touches each of its corners
  7. contra/ counter- against (chống lại, đối nghịch)
    • contradict- mâu thuẫn : (of people) to say the opposite of what someone else has said, or (of one fact or statement) to be so different from another fact or statement that one of them must be wrong
    • encounter- chạm trán : to experience a situation, especially something that is unexpected or unpleasant
  8. dict- to say (nói)
    • dictation- đọc cho người khác viết : the act of saying something aloud, so that your words can be prepared in writing by someone else
    • predict- dự đoán (nói trước) : to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience
  9. duc/ duct- to lead (lãnh đạo)
    • conduct- quản lý, hướng dẫn : to lead someone to a particular place
    • induce- gây ra : to persuade someone to do something, or to cause something to happen
  10. fac- to do, to make (tạo ra, làm)
    • factory- nhà máy : a building or buildings where people use machines to produce goods
    • manufacture- sản xuất : to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines
  11. form- shape (hình dạng)
    • conform- tuân thủ : to behave according to a group’s usual standards and expectations, or to operate according to a rule
    • reform- canh tân/ cải cách : to make an improvement, especially by changing a person's behaviour or the structure of something
  12. fort- strength (chịu đựng)
    • fortitude- chịu đựng : bravery when dealing with pain or difficulty, esp. over a long period
    • fortress- pháo đài : a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack
  13. fract- break (phá vỡ)
    • fracture- bẻ gãy, đập bể : to break, crack, or split
    • fraction- phép chia : a breaking or dividing, specif., of the Host in the Mass
  14. ject- throw (ném, làm cho xê dịch, biến đổi)
    • reject- từ chối : to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use. To throw out an idea
    • interject- xen vào : to throw in between or among other things
  15. jud- judge (phán xét)
    • judicial- tư pháp : allowed, enforced, or set by order of a judge or law court
    • prejudice- định kiến : a judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known; preconceived idea, favorable or, more usually, unfavorable
  16. mal- bad (xấu)
    • malevolent- độc ác : wishing evil or harm to others; having or showing ill will; malicious
    • malefactor- người làm điều bất lương : an evildoer or criminal
  17. mit- to send (gửi)
    • transmit- chuyển giao : to send or cause to go from one person or place to another, esp. across intervening space or distance; transfer; dispatch; convey
    • committee- ủy ban : a group of people chosen, as from the members of a legislature or club, to consider, investigate, and report or act on some matter or on matters of a certain kind
  18. mort- death (cái chết)
    • mortal- người phàm : of a human being considered as a being who must eventually die
    • postmortem- khám nghiệm tử thi : of or pertaining to examination of the body after death
  19. multi- many (nhiều)
    • multicolor- nhiều màu : having, consisting of, or relating to many colors
    • multiply- nhân lên : to increase in number, amount, extent, or degree; specif., to increase (a number, amount, etc.) by another number, amount, etc
  20. pater- father (cha)
    • paternal- thuộc về cha : of, like, or characteristic of a father or fatherhood; fatherly
    • patron- người bảo trợ : a person who supports or protects (esp. a person who helps to support an artist, charity, etc.; benefactor)
  21. port- to carry (mang vác)
    • export- xuất khẩu : to carry or send (goods) to another country or other countries, esp. for purposes of sale
    • portable- di động : that can be carried
  22. rupt- break (phá vỡ)
    • interrupt- ngắt lời : to break into or in upon (a discussion, train of thought, etc.); stop or hinder by breaking in on
    • disrupt- phá vỡ : to break apart; split up; rend asunder
  23. scrib/ script- to write (viết)
    • describe- miêu tả : to give a detailed account of in words
    • manuscript- bản thảo : a book, document, etc. written by hand, esp. before the development of printing
  24. sect/ sec- to cut (cắt)
    • section- đoạn : a part that is cut off or separated
    • transect- chặt ngang : to cut across
  25. sent/ sens- to feel (cảm giác)
    • sentiment- tình cảm : an opinion or feeling you have about something
    • nonsense- vô lý : an idea, something said or written, or behaviour that is silly or stupid
  26. spect- to look (nhìn)
    • inspect- kiểm tra : to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about their quality or condition
    • respect- tôn trọng : admiration felt or shown for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities
  27. struct- to build (xây dựng)
    • construct- xây dựng : to build something or put together different parts to form something whole
    • structure- kết cấu : the way in which the parts of a system or object are arranged or organized, or a system arranged in this way
  28. vid/ vis- to see (nhìn thấy)
    • evident- hiển nhiên : easily seen or understood
    • vision- thị lực : the ability to see
  29. voc- voice (giọng)
    • vocal- bằng giọng nói : relating to or produced by the voice, either in singing or speaking
    • advocate- ủng hộ : to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something
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Cảm ơn sự hỗ trợ của bạn!