Saint Francis Do Van Chieu (1797 - 1838) - Vietnamese Martyr Saint

Francis Do Van Chieu was born in 1797 in Trung Le village, Lien Thuy parish, Nam Dinh province, belonging to the Diocese of Bui Chu. He was beatified on May 27, 1900 and canonized on June 19, 1988.

Saint Francis Do Van Chieu was born in 1797 in Trung Le village, Lien Thuy parish, Nam Dinh province, belonging to the Diocese of Bui Chu.

After 4 years of theological studies, Father Chieu was chosen to be a preacher and joined the Dominican Order. He closely collaborated with Bishop Henares to teach catechism and serve the faithful.

Father Do Van Chieu was very concerned about saving souls. Once, he encouraged and prayed for a soldier faithful to the Catholic faith until his martyrdom. The two fervently prayed together before parting. Another time, when he learned that his younger brother was arrested for his faith, Father Chieu asked Father Hien to offer two masses to pray for his brother's perseverance in faith.

In May 1838, when being pursued by soldiers, Bishop Henares and Father Chieu received shelter from a non-Catholic fisherman's family in Quan Anh village. However, the head of the household betrayed them to the authorities for a reward. The two were arrested on June 9, 1838 in Xuong Dien. Two days later, they were taken to Nam Dinh.

After many enticements and attempted bribery failed to shake Father Chieu's resolve, the mandarin ordered soldiers to tie his hands and feet tightly and whip him 30 times severely. Afterward, he was shackled hand and foot and imprisoned in a dark cell.

After the death sentence was read, the mandarin asked one last time: accept trampling the crucifix image to be spared, or face death? Father Chieu calmly replied: "When an important mandarin is resting, would he allow his own child to trample his face? Moreover, since the Lord God is the Master of heaven and earth whom all must respect and worship, how could I dare step on His image?"

On June 26, 1838, Bishop Henares and Father Chieu were taken to the Bay Mau grounds for execution. Seeing many grieving faithful bidding farewell, Father Chieu consoled them: "Brothers and sisters, go home, do not cry anymore. Today, my teacher and I will return to our true home." After confessing to the Bishop, he prayed to the Lord: "Lord, I entrust my soul into Your hands." The faithful buried him right at the execution grounds. After the period of persecution ended, his remains were reburied at Trung Le parish church.

Preacher Francis Do Van Chieu was beatified on May 27, 1900 and canonized on June 19, 1988.

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